This soap used the plastic log mould in the previous post.
It is coloured with cocoa powder and the Dark Rich Chocolate Fragrant oil from Bramble Berry.
As it is curing the lighter colour is darkening a bit. I am happy about this is it had turned out lighter then I was hoping for.
The darker chunks are slices from a previous batch thrown in while I was pouring the new batch over the top.
The log ended out making 10 good size slices when filled to the line around the top. It ended out weighing 1342 grams and making 10 slices of approx 130g leaving plenty of room for the loss over curing time.
I like the chunky rectangular slices too. Much less likely to snap in half.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this soap I'll have to have a go at this..children will love it
The ligther bit is just coloured by the fragrant oil (Dark rich choc) and the darker bit used cocoa powder at 1/4 - 1/2 tbs per 500g oil. I wouldn't use the full amount if you dont plan to cut it up and chuck the chunks into the other colour. It can be a bit spotty looking.
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